Reliable solutions for all types of indistries



AD Wings, s.r.o.
  • AddressVlčie hrdlo 64
    821 07 Bratislava
  • Phone+421 2 4363 2151
  • IČO: 34119051
    IČ DPH: SK2020364874
    Entry in the commercial register of the Bratislava III municipal court, Department: Sro, Insert number: 12465/B
Sales & Engineering – Head Quarter Vlčie hrdlo 64, Bratislava
Full Line, all offered products & Servicies
Dušan Bobek +421 903 748 778

Sales & Engineering – Western Slovakia
ILMRO, ARC & coatings, Sponge Jet
Viktor Bobek +421 903 427 327

Full Line with focuse to seals, packings, gaskets, lubrication systems and couplings
Peter Verecký +421 908 711 895

Sales & Engineering – Middle Slovakia
Full Line with focuse to ILMRO, pumps, packings, lubrication systems, couplings, ARC and Sponge Jet
Ján Klein +421 911 344 099

Mechanical seals, pumps, Live Loading, special systems
Dušan Bobek +421 903 748 778

Sales & Engineering – Eastern Slovakia
Full Line with focuse to ILMRO, pumps, packings, lubrication systems, couplings, and Sponge Jet
Ján Burák +421 907 641 588

Mechanical seals, pumps, Live Loading, special systems
Dušan Bobek +421 903 748 778

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